Potential Dangers of Prenatal Ultrasound
This article is entirely sourced from this post on the Ray Peat Forum by tokimaturi.
This is going to be similar to the posts on fluoride and aluminum, except it 100x times more shocking. Fluoride and aluminum, at least, have more awareness. I would say it’s relatively common knowledge that fluoride has harmful side effects, as evidenced by the over 100,000 purchases of fluoride-free toothpaste on Amazon each month. Aluminum also receives attention from the prevalence of aluminum-free deodorant (although this might not suggest awareness of aluminum’s neurotoxic effect; it might be people looking for “cleaner” options similar to fluoride-free toothpaste).
What about prenatal ultrasound? It has to be safe because almost every pregnant mother in developed countries will get them, and it involves unborn babies, one of the highest risk populations.
I was going to copy and paste parts that I thought were important, but that doesn’t give this topic justice. Just read the page: Ray Peat Forum by tokimaturi